A cow named Girl..

I was informad by my dad that I had not talked or posted a photo on Girl in awhile, so here is her update, its short but sweet, she is doing well, she is healthy, eating well, on a good solid routine for being bedded down for the night, and let out in the morning, this will work very well in regards to her planned sharing milking program when her calf comes.

She appears to be ticking right along in regards to her pregancy, she had her feet checked by the ferrier and they were in very good shape, we might do a wee little trim in feb if he thinks its a good idea.  Her temperment has been very good, she has settled as she continues along and seems to be more mature these days then not, but I think Brandy has a good amount to do with that, she is a tough herd boss and allows little to no playing without breaking it up.

The only thing of note is that within the last six to eight weeks is that her teats went from wee baby teats about the size and length of my pinky finger to being as wide as my thumb now and a touch longer then the thumb as well, she is used to be touching, washing, grooming and even mock milking them, and I hope that this will help alot when the true milking times come around. She is just over 1200 pds at her last weigh in, so while she is never going to be a tall cow, she is certianly no light weight either.

2012-12-24 2012-12-24 010 011 (600x551)

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4 Responses to A cow named Girl..

  1. Deb Weyrich-Cody says:

    I know you don’t know exactly, but do you have a rough estimate of her due date?
    She sure has a nice, healthy looking coat: )

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